
This year Montreal has heavy snow.
So, we are enjoying that.
We tried to make a igloo.
My son said that dady please make much bigger.
I responded him "yes".
But our igloo was too small to enter.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


I lost my metro card.

I lost my metro card.

I am so sad because this month was just started.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


I was slipped

Yesterday was snowing.
I was slipped by ice.
It was very very slippy, like my grandfather's head.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


I found a good software PICASA.
This is so nice.
maybe you know.
I am shame because I did not know.

PICASA is free software but so -------nice!

Now my photoes became easy to see.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada

a million doller baby

I watched a move, called a million dollar baby, with my wife in English.
The story was complex.
I could not understand the correct story.
but my wife understood much correctly.
So it was a bad movie for me.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


I took pictures on the morning.

This is first time to show the picture in this blog.
This is cold canadian winter!

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


My daughter has fever.

My daughter has cold today.

She was crying because of her fever.

After she drank Tylenol, she is getting better.

Tylenol is good for childlen to reduce their fever.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada