
My daughter

My daughter has friends.

I fogot her name.

Recently she calls my daughter every day.

My daughter and her friend are only 5 years old.

I think it is good to have friend, because she came here two years ago and was not English speaker.
It was hard to make friends here.
But now she talk with her friend in English by telephone.
It is fabulous.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


I had cold and feaver Yeseterday.
It was snowing.
But the snow was so beauiful because of the big cristal.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


Regarding to my werkpermit, i can not do anything.
My supervisor is doing sometihg. all I can do is to wait.

I finished to write the ragh revise manusprict for journal.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


My workpermit was rejected.


My workpermit was regected.
I don't know why.
I must ask my supervisor what i can do.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


I went to skate.

I went to skate to the park near my house with my family.
That was fun.
Today was a very good day.
it was a very beautiful and not cold!

My daughter and son meet their freiend there.
they enjoy well.

my so can't skate, but he try to skate little bit.
I thout his mentarity is growing up!

see you!

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


almost fogot

I have almost fogotten this English blog.
It was dengerous.

I am writing a manusucript now.
I can not write so easy.
but i feel getting better and better!

see you. bye bye.

Japanese use bye bye in the ordinary way.

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada


test setting

This is test. test test.

I am not familier with this blog system.
So testing everything.
What happen?

The familysuvival in Montreal, Canada

I will write everyday

I will write this diary everyday for practice writing English.

I will write English roughly.

Writing, writing, writing, writing, and writing.

Maybe someday I will write only one sentence. but that is OK for me.

If I can get your laughing, I am winner.

See you tomorrow.


